Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit.

– John Steinbeck

Get to Know


Raised in a family of educators, the transformative power of education was instilled in me. The positive impact my education experience had on me (primarily by teachers) paved the way for a 14+ year career in education and ignited my passion for high-risk kids. I switched careers in 2011 because I wanted to understand how organizations work and why they make the decisions they do. After completing my master's in Organization Development, I worked in HR, which lead to my current role in Change Management/Performance Improvement with one of the largest healthcare systems in the country. I have wanted to reconnect to the education field for several years. By joining the TSD BOE I can bring my passion and expertise together to build a vision we all can share in – advocacy to achieve educational excellence.

Connect with Briah!

As a champion for education and our community I value your input and look forward to hearing your suggestions please contact me at BriahForTSDBOE@gmail.com